Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Finished the 888Sport Bet Basket

£50 Bet Basket Complete
I qualified for and placed the last £20 SNR bet from 888Sport yesterday. I got the back bet in at odds of 7 and layed at BetDaq for £16.74 at odds of 7.2. I won at the exchange to net £16.24 profit from the bet.

The overall profit from the deal (including qualifying bets) was £23.83. This would have been £14 higher if not for the mistakes I made along the way, but I've learnt a few lessons from it. With the offer complete I've zeroed my balance at 888Sport and will now look for my next target 


  1. so by my calcs you're making a cheeky £65 or so each week. Nice!!

  2. Yep, maybe I should put an average earnings per week into my tally....


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