Sunday, 5 April 2009


The Deal
Bet365 are offering a free £50 bet after you place a qualifying bet of £50 at odds of 1.5 or more. They then offer another free £50 bet after you've placed another 5 £50 bets up to a max of 3 times. So a possible £200 on offer.

The Plan
I'll claim the first free bet and then start working my way through the remaining 15 bets required. I want that full £200!

The Result
Took a while to get this one going. Bet365 are pretty keen on validating your account, but less clear on exactly what's required. I ended up typing my passport number in on one of account pages and that sorted it out.

I then placed my first £50 bet on football with back odds of 1.66 and layed it at betfair with a stake of £50.92 at odds of 1.68.

Before this game had even been played I got an email telling my free bet was ready. I found a great match up with back odds of 12 and a lay of £48.03 at odds of 11.5 at BetDaq. To cover this bet I needed a wopping £500, but I couldn't resist the odds so I quickly deposit some extra funds.

The free bet game finished before the qualifier and won at BetDaq, allowing me to pull my extra float back out straight away, along with the initial deposit I opened the account with. All the cash at BetDaq is now winnings and I look forward to doing the same at Betfair soon.

The qualifier won at Bet365 and made me a net loss of £1.63. Netted against my winnings on the free bet I made a profit of £44.00. Not bad at all!

The Follow Up
I've made a start on getting the next free and have placed a £50 bet at 3.1 against a lay of £52.24 at odds of 3. This will give me a net loss of £0.09 and leave me with 4 bets to go until my next free £50 bet.

WBX and 888Sport
I'm still pushing on with the qualifiers for WBX and 888Sport. WBX is the real ball and chain here, it's not easy to find a decent match with them. I'm halfway through the £100 requirement though, so I'll stick with it.

I'm laying off some of the 888Sport bets against other exchanges and finding some decent matches. Even made a £0.20 net profit off one of the matches (which makes me think warm thoughts about arbing later on when I've got a bigger float). Currently 5 bets in, so 4 to go before another £15 free bet.

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