Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Another free bet from 888 Sport

Working my way through the offers
I've been working on the 888 Sport offer, the Bet365 offer and the WBX offer over the last week or so. The WBX offer in particular has been hard to get to because I've had issues getting a decent match at that exchange.

Nine £15 bets were required at 888 Sport to get the 2nd free £15 bet and I hit the target just before easter.  I made a net loss of £3.16 on the 9 bets, or around £0.36 per bet. I could have done a lot better than this if I hadn't taken some less than ideal matches against WBX as well as a blunder I made last week that meant I lost £0.93 on a single bet (More on this later).

Having aquired my free bet I stuck it on a football match at odds of 9 for both back and lay. The high odds meant I kept £12.74 of the free bet. Netted against the cost to earn the free bet I've made a profit of £9.58.

I'll earn another free bet of £20 after I've placed another 5 bets and then my time with 888 Sport will be over.

My blunder
I mentioned earlier that I made some mistakes last week. Everyone seems to say that you'll make a mistake eventually, but I was trying hard to be the exception. Unfortunately this was not to be as I made 2 mistakes in quick succession.

The first was when I was working through the 888 Sport offer. I placed a bet on the Arsenal v Villareal game and layed it off at betfair. The alarm bells should have been ringing, as I had found what I thought was a reasonably large arb of £0.60 on a £15 bet. It wasn't until after I'd placed both the back and lay that the penny dropped that Arsenal would play Villareal twice. I had placed a back bet on the first match and then layed on the second!

So I had 2 bets to fix. The first was easy. I placed a lay bet on the correct match for my 888 Sport bet to lock in a £0.92 loss. Not great, but no disaster. The lay bet is a much bigger problem though. The spread between back and lay prices at betfair were very large (another warning sign I missed) so just backing the same market would lock in a loss of about £8.00. I didn't want to take the hit, so I've just bided my time hoping the odds would improve. The game plays tonight and not much has changed. I will give it a bit more time before locking in such a large loss, but I think I'm going to be left without much choice. I'm trying to treat it as a lesson and be grateful that I didn't make this mistake with a much larger bet.

And another one
Despite this error being fresh in my mind I then went on to make another mistake. I'm also working through the Bet365 offer and found a nice match against a market at BetDaq. I didn't have quite enough cash in my BetDaq account so I topped up another £10 from my MoneyBookers account. Everything seemed to work fine so I placed my back bet and then went to lay at BetDaq. Insufficient Funds! Turns out that BetDaq take around 24hrs to process MoneyBookers transactions. I gave them a phone call and they got the money credited to my account, but by this time the market had dried up. There just wasn't enough money in there for me to match the bet! This left me in the situation where if my back bet won I'd be up around £10 and if it lost I'd be down by the same amount. That's not matched betting, it's gambling!

Fortunately the bet did win at Bet365 which was a let off for me. It did however teach me a couple of lessons. The most obvious one is don't use MoneyBookers for BetDaq, not only are they slow but they also charge you money for it! The more general lesson was to be absolutely sure you have the funds ready to make the lay bet before placing the back bet. It also highlights that caution is needed when betting in low liquidity markets.

WBX and Bet365
This post has gotten pretty long so I'll wrap up. Just a quick update on where I'm at with the other 2 deals I'm pursing at the moment.

I'm very close to finishing off the WBX requirement. Another £15 bet should cover it, then I'll take my money and run.

I placed the last bet required to qualify for my 2nd Bet365 free £50 bet about half an hour ago. I'll match the free bet when it comes through and then continue on to the next free bet.

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