Saturday, 18 April 2009

Another free £50 from Bet365

What I've been up to
I've been continuing to work through the deals at Bet365, 888Sport and WBX. The road has been a little rocky this last week, but I've got through it ok and have learnt to be extra cautious.

On the advice of the bookies info spreadsheet. I sent an email to BetDaq asking questions about commission. They quickly responded to inform me that my commission would be reduced to 3% for a couple of months. Keeping the costs down means more profit so this is a bonus and I recommend anyone who has a BetDaq account does the same.

There's bad news. You may recall I'd mistakenly made a lay bet on the wrong match. I figured I could lock in a loss of £8 or so and move on, but instead I decided to try and be a little tricky. I backed for £15 worth a 888Sport as I figured I might as well get another qualifying bet out of it and the odds there were only slightly worse than betfair. I then figured I'd hold off placing a back bet for the remaining amount require equalise my profit/loss until after the game had started. I thought that after the game had run a few minutes the price might improve. I couldn't have been more wrong, Arsenal scored very early and the price dropped to nothing. The end result was me being down £14 instead of £8. I was obviously gambling in the hopes of recouping the losses from my mistake and I paid the price. Never again!

This mistake means that my profit from 888Sport is reduced to just £7.59. I take consolation from knowing I'm only a bet away from the final free £20 bet so I'll still end up ahead by a reasonable amount.

Better news from Bet365. I survived unscathed from my error with them and earned my 2nd £50 free bet. Betfair and BetDaq had the same lay price so I matched most of it BetDaq. I couldn't get the whole bet on there so I filled the remaininng £5 or so at Betfair. The bet won at Bet365 at odds of 6.5 for a profit of £41.18. I almost feel sorry for them as it seems a lot of my bets with them have been winning.

There's another free £50 bet waiting for me after another 5 bets. Onwards!

I managed to finish the requirement for the free bet so now I just need to grab the cash. Once again low liquidity is causing problems and I'm having trouble hitting the 80% retained target I've set myself for SNR bets. Once I've found a decent match and grabbed their cash I'll be walking away from this crowd.

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