Monday, 9 March 2009

The small guys don't track well

Today's Grab
Just a wee one today, but it's a repeat earner. Confused offer £1 for getting a quote on home insurance for up to 5 quotes. Got my first quote today. =)

Bad Tracking
I've had a whole swag of deals not track in quidco from the small deals I did. The ones that bounced were...

O2, My Pix, Ibood, Pampers, UKPrizeDraw, Flatmateclick, EmailInForm, MoveMe, GMI

Untracked earnings : £5.85

Can't yet lodge an issue with quidco as apparently I have to wait 14 days. Maybe I'm cynical but that feels like giving me a bit of time in the hopes that I'll forget all about it.

The Tally
After adjusting for the untracked earnings I've gone backwards a bit today. Makes me feel a bit like one of the banks writing off my assets.

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