Sunday, 1 March 2009

Quantity vs Quality

Today's Grab
There a ton of smaller cashbacks on quidco that I've just skipped past when looking before, but I figured there's good money there asking for me to take it. To make the process as painless as possible I downloaded google toolbar and entered my details into the autofill section. This means that on most sites I can just click the autofill button to automatically populate the registration form. Once set up I went to quidco and started clicking. Here's the deals I signed up for today.

O2, 4 x Sims, £0.60
Lands End, Newsletter, £0.15
Secret Sales, Registration, £0.25
Maxi Muscle, Free Catalogue, £0.25
My Pix, Newsletter, £0.30
Ibood, Newsletter, £0.40
T-Mobile, Sims, £0.50
InstantWin4Now, Signup, £0.56
Pampers, Signup, £0.60
Opinion World, Signup, £0.70
UKPrizeDraw, Entry, £0.75

So a total of £5.06 for today.

Unsubscription Spree
Did a bit of housework unsubscribing from the free trials I signed up for last week.  The only slightly tedious one was the Experian Credit Reports, which required me to actually phone up to cancel.

The only other thing I need to do today is watch 'The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull', one of the movies I got from block buster.  =)

The Tally

Cash in hand : -£46.87
Expected Earnings : £122.06
Net Position : £75.19 


  1. Hey, I just discovered your blog. Thanks for this, it's so helpful! Keep it up :)

  2. Glad you like it! I'll keep going for as long as there is free money to be had. =)


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