Monday, 30 March 2009

888Sport and WBX

The Deal
888Sport offer a free £15 SNR bet for betting £15 or more at odds of 2 or higher. They also offer another free £15 SNR bet after you place 9 more bets and a final free £20 SNR after a final 5 more bets.

WBX is a betting exchange similar to Betfair. They offer a free £25 SNR bet after you've won or lost £100.

The Plan
I'm going to try and play these two offers against each other. I figure by the time I hit the 2nd free bet at 888Sport I should also get my free £25 from WBX, which I'll lay off at Betfair.

The Result
I signed up at WBX and the first discovery was that there seems no way to avoid a % based deposit fee. This seems crazy to me, I saw the fee and promptly reduced how much I was planning to deposit. If I was an exchange I wouldn't want people thinking that... The £25 bonus has already been reduced in value to £23.80.

I then hit my 2nd snag. The odds at WBX aren't great, I'm having trouble finding a decent match. I gave up and matched my first bet against betfair instead. I found a qualifier with back odds of 2.25 and layed at betfair for £15.55 at 2.22. The lay won at Betfair for a net loss of £0.23.

My free bet at 888Sport showed up instantly and I quickly matched it against Betfair as well. Backed at 10 and layed at Betfair for £13.85 at 9.8. The lay won again for a net gain of £13.16.

So a net profit so far from 888Sport of £12.93 which I am quite happy with.

Still to come is finding another 9 matches at 888sport and racking up my £100 win/loss at WBX.

I've made a start with a back of 2.4 against at £14.81 lay at 2.46 at WBX for an net loss of £0.62. I'm hoping that WBX win as I want to avoid having to deposit any more money there if I can. I'll give WBX another couple of goes, but if it continues to show awful odds I think I'll cut my losses and back at WBX vs Betfair and take whatever I can get for the bonus.

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