Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Starting strong

Today's Grab
I fell short on my cash goal last week, but I did spot a couple of likely options.  One of these was a signup bonus for Jackpot Joy.  Quidco will pay out £25 for a signup and deposit of £10.  You do have to wager at least £10 so you can't just put the money in, pull it back out and run.

Still, I figured £10 in and £25 out sounds a good deal, and I might even win.  Only minor wins meant I used 9 of my 10 quid to hit the wager requirements.  That leaves me £16 ahead.  Not bad for 5 minutes work!

The Tally
I've ventured into territory where I've outlayed money to get a larger return.  Should work out well in the long run, but for now it drives my cash in hand into the negatives.

Cash in hand: -£9
Expected Earnings: £50.50

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